This month's of magazine covers a Migraine Special: Migraine is different from normal headache, due to abdominal migraine children have frequent abdominal pain, know what is hemiplegic migraine, how to identify headache ...
This month's of magazine covers a Malnutrition specials issue-symptoms and treatment of marasmus..., Beriberi, Vitamins to improve skin, Take care of delicate skin, Micronutrients essential for muscle growth and weight loss, ...
This month's of magazine covers a Osteoporosis Special issue: The silent killer is osteoporosisAnd other topics in magazine is… Know why even a slight stumbling block can cause fractures; Be sure ...
This month's of magazine covers a AVN special issue: Homeopathic treatment for avascular necrosis is possible, eating vegetables will make bones steely, oil will strengthen bones, use it today, homeopathic treatment for ...
This month's of magazine is Dermatitis Complex Skin Disease Special: Eczema during pregnancy, home remedies for eczema during pregnancy, the problem of itching in the private part, itching and swelling ...
कोरोना के साथ कोरोना के बाद... मिसाल बनी मानव सेवा... इसी पर आधारित है यह किताब। क्योंकि कोविड-19 एक ऐसी वैश्विक महामारी थी या यूं कहे हैं जिसने मनुष्य के जीवन ...
This month's of magazine covers a Liver special issue: Liver cancer is a serious problem, liver cirrhosis, liver diseases in baby and older children, liver damage can give many more ...
This month of magazine covers a Yoga Special Topics – This time the number is Yoga Special number. In this you will read the benefits of doing yoga, which yogasanas ...
This month's of magazine covers a Thalassemia Disease: Bone marrow transplant for thalassemia, worry about thalassemia while planning pregnancy, iron defense can cause anemia in the body, eat figs to ...
This month's number is infectious diseases and homeopathy is special number. Apart from this, the topics included in this are encephalitis brain inflammation, symptoms, causes, homeopathic treatment, homeopathic treatment for ...
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